Who Turned The Lights Out?

Ever since VentnorBlog started, we’ve run April Fool articles on the morning of 1st April. This year we’re not. It didn’t feel right on a day that many of the cuts in council services take hold.

Who Turned The Lights Out?Instead, we’re turning VentnorBlog black for the day in mourning of the loss of Island services (If you can’t see it, do a hard refresh in your browser, or clear its cache).

Closures hit today
As of today, the doors of the Tourist Information Centres that have helped visitors and Islanders alike are closed and their staff have been told that they are no longer needed.

Further job losses at the council mean that today, many council staff are no longer in employment.

Lots of public toilets across the Island are also locked shut. Inaccessible.

Many feel it’s plain wrong
Many who have contacted VentnorBlog feel that the closure of the TICs on the high streets of the Island’s major towns is just plain wrong, especially in a year when a huge influx of new visitors are expected for the Island Games.

They find it hard to understand why the council would carry out TIC and toilet closures on an Island where many depend on tourism for their employment.

The concern over the reduction and possible loss of local library services is also a huge worry for many Islanders.

Cross-political concerns
The people objecting to these cuts in services cross political barriers. They aren’t the political firebrands. They are people terrified that once these services are lost, they will never come back.

Image: Brunkfordbraun under CC BY 2.0