happy birthday iow biosphere

Share your Happy First Isle of Wight Biosphere Birthday messages

Claire from Arc Consulting shares this latest news. Ed

The Isle of Wight celebrates its first year as a UNESCO Biosphere reserve on 19th June (Friday) this year, and we are all hoping to help mark it here as the opening of this year’s science and arts celebration Hullabaloo (At Home) which takes place over 19th, 20th and 21st June.

The whopping designation puts us on a par with a World Heritage sites and the Isle of Wight is part of a network 700 Biospheres worldwide, 80 in Africa, 30 in the Middle East, 150 in Asia and the Pacific, 310 in Europe and North America, and 130 in South America and the Caribbean!  

Years of hard work
Brought home through years of work from the Isle of Wight AONB team, the Biosphere principles of people, environment and celebration have been inspiring Island businesses, organisations, residents and visitors left, right and centre ever since.  

More information on what it all means here on the AONB’s Biosphere Website.

Share your Happy Birthday wishes
We’re hoping readers would be able to film a short Happy First Birthday to the Isle of Wight Biosphere message and send it in.

All you have to do is stand somewhere special to (or if you’re busy/bored/stuck at home or can’t face a walk, a quick selfie from your desk will do!), turn the phone to landscape and say a quick Happy Birthday.  

It’d be great to have loads so please do invite everyone you can think of.

Then just email your mini-films to [email protected] and we’ll send them on to Hullabaloo to be compiled by the team there into a Biosphere Birthday Message the Movie!