stop 5g protestors

Letter: Isle of Wight Council is not helpless over 5G and has duty to protect Islanders

We always welcome a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from Janice Jacobs, Secretary of the STOP 5G Isle of Wight Association, shares this latest news . Ed

Around 25 people gathered in St James’ Square on Saturday and many leaflets were handed out and signatures collected for our local Stop 5G Isle of Wight Petition, which has over 700 signatures as it stands.

Considerable interest was shown from concerned members of the public and our Stop 5G Isle of Wight Facebook site now has over 500 members.

IWC has duty to protect residents from potential harm
The Isle of Wight Council is not helpless in this. It is subscribed to the Human Rights Act and HSAW 1974 Act so it has the duty to protect its residents from potential harm.

What’s more, according to UN Law any exposure to experimental technology must be subject to Public Consent.

Not proven safe
5G is experimental, it has not been proven safe by industry or any other Authority and has no place in our community.

The Stop 5G Isle of Wight Association urges the Isle of Wight Council to declare Environment, not just Climate, Emergency as this will fight all pollution, not merely replace one form of pollution (carbon and Particulate) with another (Electro-Magnetic Radiation).

Green-wash, pure and simple
We believe Smart Island Live (the April Conference) is nothing but green-wash, pure and simple.

It will entail millions of more (plastic) gadgets and expose people to pulsed radiation, which many a peer-reviewed research has shown to be harmful to the brain, heart and other essential organs.

Smart ain’t green and what we need is true sustainability based on intelligent solutions.

Next event
Our next Stop 5G on the Isle of Wight event will be on Saturday 15th June 1pm at St James Square in connection with Electro-Sensitivity Day 16th of June.

We believe that 5G will be an assault on us all. For the Electro-Sensitive it will entail pure and utter discrimination.

Both are unlawful.