HOVERTRAVEL passengers were rescued this morning (Sunday) after the craft they were travelling on broke down during the crossing.

A spokesperson for the UK Coastguard, which was monitoring the situation, said the hovercraft broke down off Ryde at around 8.45am.
It was met by a second, replacement hovercraft at Ryde Sands. The passengers were transferred to the second hovercraft and continued on their way to Southsea.
Passenger Frank Stubbs posted this picture on Twitter with the caption: "Broke down halfway across the Solent, just transferred onto another craft out in the middle. Good job the tide was out."
Hovertravel has previously experienced technical problems with its new hovercraft, the Island Flyer and Solent Flyer vessels.
The company said today's breakdown was caused by a broken fan belt. Engineers have carried out repairs and services are running to timetable, it said.