The Challenge

Hi guys, I am an Oxford Brookes student who is climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in the Summer in aid of Childreach International.

I am trying to follow Kyle MacDonald who traded from a paperclip to a house within 15 trades. I started with a pen and now I have a Doctor Who collection... can you offer me anything.

All profits will go directly to the charity. If you don't have anything to offer then you could always donate to the cause at

Saturday 13 April 2013

A Doctor Who Collection

I now have 8 Doctor Who DVDs and a Doctor Who Visual Dictionary. I traded these for the Gameboy Advance... does anyone want the Doctor Who Collection - any offers are welcome.

So, yes I cheated in a way - I had already agreed to trade the Gameboy for the lens but I never actually swapped goods and when an offer came in on Gumtree for the Gameboy I asked Tyler if it was okay to go back on his deal.

I had almost given up with the Bigger and Better game after around 1 month with the Gameboy but after many, many emails with a guy called Jacob on Gumtree I agreed to trade, we met by Martyrs Square in Oxford and did the trade. Jacob was genuinely interested in the Gameboy which proves that one man's junk is another man's treasure! I would like to thank Jacob so much for reigniting this challenge!

And now I have the Doctor Who collection which is actually amazing. The collection includes 6 episodes from Series 1 (Christopher Eccleston) and all 14 episodes from Series 2 (David Tennant) as well the Christmas Special with Catherine Tate.

Series 1

  • Aliens of London
  • World War Three
  • Dalek
  • Boom Town
  • Bad Wolf
  • Parting of the Ways
Series 2
  • The Christmas Invasion
  • New Earth
  • Tooth and Claw
  • School Reunion
  • The Girl in the Fireplace
  • Rise of the Cybermen
  • The Age of Steel
  • The Idiot's Lantern
  • The Impossible Planet
  • The Satan Pit
  • Love and Monsters
  • Fear Her
  • Army of Ghosts
  • Doomsday
  • The Runaway Bride (Christmas Special)
The Visual Dictionary is from the 2nd series and even includes this lovely picture of David Tennant (My man crush!)
So I am looking for ANY offers at all. Remember I will sell whatever I end up with and all the money will go to the charity Childreach International. If you are interested then please email me at or comment on here!

Now if you don't mind I am going to watch some Doctor Who!

Thursday 7 March 2013

Bigger and Better goes overseas.

I now have a Super Travenar 135mm f/2.8 lens with Canon EF adapter, who wants it? Any offers to trade, all for charity! if you are interested.

So since I last posted Bigger and Better fell slightly quiet for a few days with only a few offers. Steve kept his offer of the Splat Man Coaster thing and I had an offer of a Friends Trivia Game but both of these weren’t particularly bigger or better than the Gameboy.

Just as I was getting worried but the lack of response a friend from back home, all the way back on the Isle of Wight, contacted me. Tyler is a photography nerd and has loads of camera equipment that he doesn’t need anymore – he is also a lovely, generous guy and offered me a SLR lens. This really intrigued me as I do love photography and it is something that I would be interested in myself – but that is not the point, I must trade it!

So the Super Travenar 135mm f/2.8 lens, comes with an EF adapter for Canon DSLRs but can be used on any other SLR camera as well with the right adapter. It's a manual lens, so aperture and focusing is done manually, and about 270 degrees of focusing, so it isn't a quick lens to whip out and take a photo. Focusing is quite smooth and aperture blades are smooth too. There is slight dirt on the inside, which is visible in a couple of the photos, however as it is 135mm this doesn't come out on the photos even on the shortest focus distance.

It really is a lush piece of equipment and would be perfect for budding photographers. So I am looking to trade this for something ‘bigger and better’. Remember this is all for the fantastic charity – Childreach International who help to “unlock” children’s potential all around the world. If you see something sitting around in your Uni room that you don’t need any more then why not offer it to trade?

So if there are any offers then please reply to this blog or email me at

Friday 1 March 2013

One Retro Gamers Heaven

Steve's Coaster
Wow, I am completely astounded by that response. I wrote this blog for a bit of fun yesterday afternoon and within 24 hours it got over 1,000 hits - incredible.

And the offers came fast too... Steve, a flatmate, offered me his "Splat-man coaster" which I have been eyeing up all year. Also I had some interest from a  guy called Mark who offered me a lab coat - which to be honest are very expensive but I don't think the demand for a lab coat would be very high and it might be a struggle to trade on.

I then emailed the SU Vice-President, Paul McCormack, who gave me the pen originally. He seemed to love the idea and sent out the blog link on Facebook to all his many "friends"! He also made me an offer I couldn't refuse - a Gameboy Advance with Crash Bandicoot. Although the sale value of this is less than the lab coat and similar to the coaster I loved the idea of the Gameboy so within a few hours I agreed to swap the pen for the Gameboy... the pen is now going back to where it really belongs - to the man on everyone's fridges!
Paul McCormack's childhood Gameboy

So now I have this lovely Gameboy Advance to trade on, I encourage any offers at all - anything you have lying around your room that you aren't using, why not pass it on to a good cause. Remember this is all for charity - once I get to something worth a lot of money I will auction it off to the highest bidder - all the money will go to Childreach International.

So what do you have to offer? or post a comment on this blog.

Thursday 28 February 2013

One Brookes SU Pen

Would anyone like a lovely Oxford Brookes Student Union pen? Looking for any offers for it, anything bigger and better?

I am climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in August for the charity Childreach International, I have to raise around £2,500 and I am looking for quirky ways to get this money. So I thought I would post this lovely Brookes SU pen online and see who wants to trade it with me, I will then continue to trade up and up until I have something big enough at which time I will then auction the final item to the highest bidder to raise money for Childreach.

The idea comes from the story One Red Paperclip by Kyle MacDonald who traded from one red paperclip to a house within 15 trades. Obviously my expectations aren't quite that high but anything you can give would be amazing - bearing in mind this is all for charity.

So here is the pen... Brilliant isn't it? Something even Paul McCormack would be proud of. Any offers then email me at

The charity I am raising money for is called Childreach International who are a development charity that believe all children should have the opportunity to unlock their full potential in life.

They start from the bottom up, working in partnership with local communities in the developing world. They address children’s most immediate needs, improving access to education, improved health, and greater child rights and protection.

They currently operate in Tanzania, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Cambodia and Bangladesh.

Right... offers for the pen?