Daft Old Duffer: Sock Gravity

I’ve recently started a routine of walking up Lake Hill two or three times each week.

socksIt’s not something I enjoy, but I reckon making my heart pump and my legs burn now and again will do my ancient carcass some good.

Unfortunately my socks don’t seem to like it much either.

The first and second time they slithered down and hid inside my shoes as I gasped and trudged upward, I put down to their ancientness (there’s a word you didn’t know existed) and confined them to the black bag of ultimate destiny.

Strange happenings
On the third occasion however I gave the matter more thought.

I noticed that once I had crested the hill and hauled my socks back up they stayed there for the rest of the journey.

Walking on the level, or downhill, in a word, doesn’t affect them.

Is it scientific?
So now I’m wondering. Is it a matter of the actual uphill walking, or more simply just a matter of gravity?

Do airline pilots wear special stay-up hosiery, for example? And what about mountaineers? Do they have special stops, not shown on camera, where they relocate their laggard woolwear?

Or have I just got heavy socks?

More sock thoughts from Daft Old Duffer.

Image: Join the dots under CC BY 2.0