David Pugh: All Major Towns Should Have Tourist Information Centres

At Monday’s Town Council Meeting, Leader of the Council David Pugh was questioned by Cllr Brian Lucas about the lack of a Tourist Information Centre in Ventnor.

Tourist Information CentreAs residents will know, the Tourist Information Centre which was previously housed at the Coastal Visitors Centre in Dudley Road, closed nearly three years ago.

With Ventnor being a holiday destination, the lack of tourist info didn’t sit well with the town, so last year, Season’s newsagents in the High Street kindly agreed to display information in their window and help with tourist enquiries.

It’s not the most ideal situation, as they obviously have a business to run, so Cllr Lucas asked David Pugh of his view on the lack of a dedicated Tourist Information Centre in Ventnor.

We were pleased to hear Mr Pugh confirm that the situation was not satisfactory and he went onto state that “every major town on the Island should have Tourist Information services.”

There have been some discussions about a ‘service hub’ opening when the Library moves, which it was felt could incorporate Tourist Info as well as other council services.

Mr Pugh agreed to discuss the matter further with Mayor Scoccia and we look forward to hearing the outcome.

A holiday town such as Ventnor is calling out for a tourist information centre and it would be great to see one in place before the next summer season.

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